
Big in japan tv tropes
Big in japan tv tropes

big in japan tv tropes


The more liberal democratic structure adopted by the royal family has spawn more than a dozen of political parties, each with their own opinion on how to move the country forward. However, the same can't be said for their political stability. Kingdom of Thailand: The flexible diplomatic policies of the Thai kings has kept Thailand independent for most of the colonial period in South East Asia, and this has led them into one of a more prominent economical powerhouse within the region of South East Asia. (Conservative Democracy/Authoritarian Socialism split, with the ruling party being Conservative Democracy).

big in japan tv tropes

With the prolonged political gridlock, the West Indochina Republic government is now under a huge pressure to solve the issue, or else there will be a civil war and a split not just along the party line, but also the ethnicity line as well. With the 1956 election seeing a 60-40 split between the West Indochina Liberal Party (WILP) led by Hunsen and the Pathet Communist party led by Kaysong Phomvihane, the country is now under a weird political gridlock, as no party is willing to compromise their positions. Laos and Cambodia: after the victory of the Viet Minh front and the subsequent forming of the VDR, the Laotians Pathet Lao and the Cambodian Liberation fronts joint force to drive out the rest of the French occupants out of their country, and form the West Indochina Republic under a mutual agreement. But there is much to be done, as the wide array of political landscape and ideology across South-East Asia brings many more problems than he has accounted for, along with his rapidly deteriorating health, the factionalism and corruption in his own party and the neverending ambitions of the Soviet Union, KMT China and the USA make his dream of a better South East Asia remains hard to realized.

big in japan tv tropes

The 1956 general election, overwhelmingly favors Ho Chi Minh and his Vietnam Socialist Party, has set the precedence for a new, modernized Vietnam to form the South-East Asia commonwealth (SEACOM) to counteract the US, China and Soviet influence over their political and economical sphere. Vietnam: In the wakes of the successful revolution and subsequent defense against the old colonial French led by Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh front, the Vietnam Democratic Republic was born. I think it kinda is time for SEA content leak next, seeing that the situation might be a lot more different due to warlord Japan and the change of China.

Big in japan tv tropes